Illustrator Homework

  1. 1. In this YouTube video, the creator Paola Kassa produced a video on "How to Start Using Adobe Illustrator." She chose three things to talk about to help ease the transition from basic photoshop to Illustrator: pathfinder, pen tool, and typography. I think typography will be the easiest to use since I’ve used other programs for this sort of tool. I love to create logos for different things, so having the ability to use this program to do so will be fun to learn. I will be using it for when we create logos for a project in the future. I thought it was interesting that you could do that on this program. 

    2. I chose to watch Flow Studio since they work with a lot of different programs and quickly explain a few of the tools to help beginners with a brief overview. He talked about the Rectangle Tool, Startle Tool, Pen Tool, and Curvature. From watching the video, I am most nervous to use the curvature tool because there is a lot of clicking and I always seem to touch the wrong key. I would also be scared of continuous clicking and ruining my project. I would use this tool when I wanted to create an abstract background. I thought it interesting how fast these creators can create these videos by going through the tools, which shows that it's pretty simple for people to use.

    3. Finally, I watched the Spoon Graphics video about how to create custom type designs. In the other videos, they touched upon the typo graphics that Adobe Illustrator offers. I liked watching this video since I know it will come in handy for future projects. I think I’ll really enjoy using this tool because I love to design aspects of words. However, I do believe that the handmade shapes to emphasize the words and define them will be hard to do because it's tedious. I find it interesting how much you can do with just one word. 


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