Internet ~ World Wide Web ~ Bluetooth ~ Wi-Fi

    The internet is a global network of computer networks; a network of networks in which users at any one computer can obtain information from any other computer if they have permission. The first birthday that people consider that the internet was born on is January 1st, 1983. It was not created by just one person but rather 10 scientists/engineers (Paul Baran, Lawrence Roberts, Leonard Kleinrock, Donald Davies, Bob Kahn, Vint Cerf, Paul Mockapetris, Jon Postel, Tim Berners-Lee, Marc Andreessen). They had used their independent research together to create the ARPANET. However, other inventors in the future created the web that we know in today's world. The question that is asked most often is why has the internet been created. The internet that we know and use daily wasn't the reason that scientist/engineers created it to begin with. It originally was started in the 1960s for government researchers to share information. We now use the internet to post on social media and keep in touch with people. 

    The World Wide Web, in other words, the Web provides users with access to a vast array of documents that are linked to one another via hypertext or hypermedia links. Those hyperlinks and electronic connections, connect related pieces of information that allow a user easy access to them. Tim-Berners-Lee or Sir Tim Berners-Lee converted founded/created it. He was born on June 8th, 1955 in London, England. He was also a computer scientist that was credited for the invented of the World Wide Web. He did so from 1991 to 1993. But in 1994, the US establish World Wide Web Consortium at MIT's Laboratory for Computer Science. The Web was created to meet the demand for automated information sharing among scientists in universities and institutes around the world. It has since enabled people to share their work and ideas via social networking sites, blogs, video sharing, and other means.
    The World Wide Web are pages that you are able to see when you're online and on a device. However, the internet is the network of connected computers on which the web operates through. The network allows emails and files to travel through. So even though they are different, they work together to do the job (send information from one server to another). You need the internet to use a web, while you don't need the web to use the internet. 
    The first website was created on August 6th, 1991. Tim Berners-Lee, the British computer scientist, created the website. It was launched on the W3 and there were instructions about how to use it. The website contained details about the World Wide Web Project and was launched at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). I was able to find the first website ( 
    Hedy Lamarr was an Austrian-American actress and pioneer who invented the technology that would one day serve as the foundation for today's Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth communications networks. There was a song written about her by Johnny Depp and Jeff Beck. Hedy Lamarr was the perfect image of beauty and her nude role in Exstase however, she was much more than just a pretty face. Being that Johnny Depp himself is also a public figure however, is much more than just Jack the pirate. But, since he is in the lime light he'll always me imprisoned into that image and never seen as anything else. Thus, is that Hedy Lamarr was a genius trapped in the persona of a movie diva. 
    Jaap Haarsten, a native of the Netherlands, was the man who developed Bluetooth. In 1994, he was the one that had been working with various wireless communications for a while. He was tempting to find a a solution for short-range radio connections that would enhance mobile phone functionality and enable new sales. Thus, came across the creation of Bluetooth Special Interest Group. Jim Kardach who was one of the founders of the Bluetooth SIG. Kardach chose the name to imply that Bluetooth unites communication protocols in the same way. It's a mash-up of the Nordic runes for H and B, which stand for King Harald Bluetooth. Bluetooth technology was intended to unite devices in the same way that Harald Bluetooth united Denmark's tribes into a single kingdom.
    Vic Hayes is the known as the "father of Wi-Fi" since he had been head of the IEEE committee that invented the 802.11 standards. This radio frequency system (802.11) was used for broadcasting Wi-Fi signal. Additionally, many of the components to those two systems were similar. So, in 1997, the 802.11 committee released it for their consumers. But, the original name of Wi-Fi was WaveLAN since the first wireless products were under those names. This was released in 1991 and it was named that because NCR, AT&T, Lucent Technologies, and Agere Systems all sold wireless networking technology under this brand name. 👀
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